Yesterday evening I spent a little time playing with this net. It's vintage, it was gifted to me some time ago and it came in partial garment pieces. I have a beautiful, partial bodice edged with lace from the same garment which I have yet to use, for now I am playing with the plain sections which I'm guessing came from the skirt area of a dress.
As you can imagine, being net it's a very open, light surface without any weight or substance which limits the processes you can apply to the surface which won't detract from its delicacy. Hence my play, my sampling. I see uses for this in artist books of course, for fragile and frothy compositions. It would also of course be perfect if used in a veil like piece.
I'm also thinking it could well be destined to evolve into overlays, into delicate surfaces ripe for gentle hand embroidery, the surfaces we will be creating in my next class.
You can read more about that here.
Meanwhile, inspired by yesterdays post I am putting another embroidered silk panel together today. I know I seem to spend my life sampling but I think we are all sampling repeatedly and regularly aren't we? Trying new ideas, playing with placement and stitches, thread choices, cloth choices. If we don't test these things how will we ever learn and develop?