The most relevant piece here, the most current piece is the circular piece which is prominent in the last image. (It's in the centre of the first image) That piece which was worked yesterday evening is again from my current ledger class, work from which you have been seeing a lot of recently, yesterday's work was from the same class.
The reason the other work is here is because I'm pondering, kind of reminding myself what's going on round here creatively as it's easy to lose sight of things, of particular pieces. This is a good way to refresh the brain cells.
What has happened though and what nearly always happens when doing this is it inspires, creates an urge to begin a new piece from the imagery and the composition here.
Ledger particular attention to the next bit....
can you imagine a large design sheet which is inspired by and loosely replicates the first image?
Oh well, I can't complain about having too many ideas because it certainly beats having creative block.