What am I doing here? I'm assessing, considering, questioning, wondering, faffing, being indecisive, wondering what, how much, how many of each, make more, don't make more, add buttons......and on and on. Ingredients for goodie bags are being considered by someone who hasn't a clue what to put in them.
What would you choose from this selection to put in your goodie bag? Or...what would you like to find in a goodie bag you acquired out of this selection?
And.....I bought a new book because I definitely need another distraction...not........
This book could be written about me and you. (I'm assuming you like to sew and that's why you are here) Deanna made me aware of it and I am so, so happy she did. It's a story of two ...and I quote.....''old, old sisters'' who spend their life in bed, a ''long, long'' bed. They become bored, they wonder why, they then decide it's because their quilt is plain white so they decide to embroider their white quilt as they spend each hour in bed. I'm going to put a quote on here now, directly from the book which is taken from the section where they retrieve their work boxes from under the bed and which inspired me more than I can say.....
''and they opened them. They were full of scissors and thimbles, pins and needles, buttons and bodkins and hooks and eyes. There were scraps of silk and satin, rolls of ribbon, lengths of lace.''
Sigh...do you see what I mean?
I really want to share more of this with you. I will try and post another quote tomorrow. This book has landed in my life at just the right time (New class...Stitching a Story...and I am given the gift of knowing about this book which is essentially ''stitching a story''...fate?)....thank you Deanna.
(I bought this from Amazon in the US very cheaply, it's a used copy. The available copies on UK Amazon are ridiculously expensive. Postage from the US for this was also very inexpensive...I got me a bargain. If you are in the UK consider purchasing from the US)
Finally......can I apologise if I am slow responding to comments and e mails. I really am snowed under at the moment but you are on my mind, I am really feeling guilty, I appreciate the comments and e mails more than I can say, truly. I WILL respond but please bear with me.