It's a bit of this and that today. There's a tiny scrap which came away from a larger piece but has now been transformed into a page for a new artist book and there's a new piece in progress. I'm not sure what the new piece will be yet. I started it to satisfy a craving I had to stitch beaded loops onto silk velvet. Who knows where these cravings come from or why we are compelled....
The artist book is some way from being finished. There may only be a dozen or so tiny pages but what to put on each of those pages requires me to stretch my imagination and ponder for what seems like forever so please don't hold your breath for that to be finished. I'm hoping to make six of pressure then. I'm not going to push it though. If I make six then great, if I don't then no problem.
We are making beaded loops, sample cloths and wonderful things with paper, collage and stitch in embroidery school. It's not too late to join us and you get to keep the videos forever, yes....and there's no rush to make anything at all, you can merely sit at the back, drink tea, eat cake and watch. You can read more here....