A few images today from my Instagram feed. Mostly these illustrate how my table looks every day, it shows I'm busy, it's a proper embroidery factory in this little house.
I'm early today. I need to be somewhere. I needed to be somewhere yesterday too and I need to be somewhere tomorrow. I'm staying put all weekend I promise.
A reminder....12 whole months of embroidery...52 weeks.....365 days.....
A few images from around the house this past week or so. Nothing is 'normal' this week. There's been a lot going on. I had my first Christmas dinner last week and of course will be having Christmas dinner number two on Monday. I've been shopping...and shopping. I've been wrapping....and wrapping and I seem to be constantly playing the domestic goddess role, seeing dust everywhere. I do hope the big guy is watching.
I've also been blessed and spoilt with lots of early gifts......the Paris gift is from my little girl, she was lucky enough to go there a couple of weeks ago.
And.....I treated myself to a ''fabric advent calendar''. Some of the goodies from there are below. It was always my intention to gift some of these pieces and I have done that with some already but if there is one you fancy let me know and I will see what I can do.
(sadly I can't give to everyone who expresses a wish for one of these but I hope I can make one or two of you happy)
and then there is this....it makes me want to cry every time (in a happy way), thank you so much.
Another snapshot of my week through the images from my phone. These images give a true sense of my days, my house, this room. Things in progress on the table, some of them on the floor, image editing at the computer, leafing through ledgers and magazines to freshen my brain.
I'm not here again today...more family stuff. From tomorrow you will have my total and complete attention.....I promise.
Alchemy is back...I dithered, I was asked, I dithered some more. Why? I invest so much of myself into all my classes but somehow this one remains the most scary for me....however........I can't wait.
Hi!! I am so excited to be back. I don't need to hide anymore.....the cases are unpacked and back in their cubby hole. The dirty clothes are mostly washed and the ironing is done. I have re stocked the food cupboards and watered the plants. I am back in full on creative mode and couldn't be happier. My brain is buzzing with ideas for ''simply stitch'' and if you are registered for class you can expect a mail and a video in the next two days...yikes....exciting times.
My pin pillow marathon is progressing well.....as evidenced by the pictures. Pretty, pretty pin pillows in the making. Those of you on the list will not have to wait much longer. I have yet to look at flickr. Actually, I am scared to look at flickr. There will be a zillion images to consider and comment on and gaze at. The girls are so talented and productive....help!
Finally for today, someone asked me for this, (you know who you are!!!) so why not share with all of you. Please don't ask me what a dl is....and no I'm not making it for you! Enjoy.....
mix flour, baking powder, butter, half of the sugar. Then mix milk and egg and put together with the rest. Put in a buttered baking dish with the lingonberries and the rest of the sugar on top. bake in lower part of oven for 25 min 225*
Thank you Hanna......x
( I copied and pasted this. I am wondering if tbs should be tsp???) and no, this isn't turning into a cookery blog!!!
I have decided to go missing from here for a few days. Just here, not school or flickr or facebook or the new place, (instagram). I feel as if I need to regroup, take some time to sew intensively, do some catching up in cyber space, clear my head a little.