The large sampler piece on silk continues to grow and meanwhile more work is happening on my 'stitch ledger' for embroidery school. I honestly can't tell you how much I love this work. Embroidery school has fed my library of favourite stitches and inspired more than the large silk panel you see here. I have many more ideas for using this work, for developing it and moving it forward.
I am so inspired I have almost worked my way through a yard of silk Dupion I bought last week. More was ordered this morning. Just goes to show you can never have too much cloth whatever your favourite might be.
There are a few more images of my veil thing today, a closer look. I love this a lot. It is now hanging with the other cloth I showed you earlier in the week. It may just stay there then I can look at it more often than would be possible if it was laid on my bed.
I have had a few mails about my pin pillow.....asking if I have any to sell. I am wondering if I should make some more for the shop. I probably will, as a small diversion. I will keep you posted on that one. Then there is the white bowl. A couple of commenter's asking why I am using something I bought for my son and his girlfriend, (for when they buy their house) to keep scraps of cloth in....well don't you remember? I bought them one and liked it so much I went back and got one for myself. So the ever present white bowl belongs to moi!
I have to go now, I'm going out. The girls in class have had their lesson, my pictures of embroidery that I take every day are taken, I have watched a decent amount of THE FUNERAL on TV. Then tonight I am going here, a belated birthday celebration for my little boy. See you tomorrow......
I've been busy today. There was another, earlier post just look below. That was my table at nine o'clock this morning. These pictures are of the detail from yesterdays hanging cloths and also the final, finished edge of my veil thing.
The wrapping cloth now has tabs, bullion seams and a little bullion 'fence'. The festooned/veil thingy is now completely finished...woo hoo!! Last night I embroidered more on my latest piece, my new muslin pouch and I hope to get images of that later. I have also put together a couple of small pieces, strips of cloth. They may have embroidery added before the day is out and then there is lace....a sewing machine...scrim and a plan for more to go on my curtain. I best get going then there's work to be done.
I finished another corner of my veil/festooned/lace thingy last night. I only have around 4 inches of the edge to complete now but I am searching for the right piece of lace to fit in there. I can't just add any only tat can I. I didn't feel like rummaging last night, I was cosy and chilled on the sofa so I picked up my wrapping cloth and added a zillion bullion knots to a seam...I think someone asked me what I was going to use this veil thingy for. The answer is nothing. It will just sit beautifully on my bed.
I feel slightly 'un focused' today....does that make sense? Like I need a I want something new...not that I have a clue what I need or want or am searching for. The answer? Probably to put the kettle on.....
I hope you're in the mood for white today. There are lots of images of my veil/festooned thingy. I am keeping my fingers crossed that when I press publish the images will have space between them. I have clicked and clicked but they are showing up merged on my preview.....typepad sort yourself out!!!
OK, rant over.....I was working on this last night adding the final edges of lace. I reckon there is just another hours work here and the whole thing will be finished. The creation of the very open, delicate surface will be demonstrated in my lace class along with the surfaces I had on here yesterday. I have enjoyed playing with this piece so much in the last day or so that I am going to get ahead of myself and create more before class starts.
This afternoon I am getting my hair cut, hence the early post. Getting my hair cut is one of my least favourite past times...I really do not like it. The little bits of hair really annoy me. The hair on my clothes annoys me. The hair on the floor really annoys me. I have it done at home, a mobile hairdresser as going to an actual hairdressing place really annoys you can tell.....I get annoyed.......
I'm back....did you guess? I'm a bit ''off'' though, number five in this definition is the most appropriate.....
1 [fuhn-ee] Show IPA adjective, fun·ni·er,fun·ni·est, noun, plural fun·nies.
providing fun; causing amusement or laughter; amusing; comical:a funny remark; a funny person.
attempting to amuse; facetious: Did you really mean that or wereyou just being funny?
warranting suspicion; deceitful; underhanded: We thought therewas something funny about those extra charges.
Informal. insolent; impertinent: Don't get funny with me, youngman!
curious; strange; peculiar; odd:
I don't know why, can't put my finger on it....anyhow that's not for you to worry about.
Leaving that behind...I had a wonderful break. Got lots of Christmas shopping done, bought some rather nice things for myself, (I may make a video this week to share those with you) spent time with my little girl, ate good food, saw some amazing sights. I rode the new cable car which travels across the Thames...that was amazing! I did take pictures but silly me took them on my phone and I can't easily transfer them to PC because I am technologically challenged!! What I will do though is add them to my facebook timeline along with some that are already there so you can just go here later today and have a look if you want. (give me an hour or so)
Embroidery? There is some....this is more for my veil/festooned thingy. I have also been working more on my white cloth, pictures soon and I have big plans for doodle doo. In fact I have the first tea towel my head...on paper too before the week is out fingers crossed. Alchemy is now available again.....and to my embroider, embellish, create girls........expect a mail later today....for clarification purposes.
''unfunny'' ''cured'' ''normal'' Karen will be back tomorrow........I hope.