Hi all. I hope you all had a brilliant holiday time and that the big guy was good to you. He was very good to me but as I'm always on my best behaviour that's no surprise. My guests have gone, I have my house back, my studio has been spring cleaned for the weekend (I have plans) and I no longer need to peel sprouts, it's a win win.
You may remember this post and the indecision re the cover for this little cloth book. I made a decision to go with the very soft, floaty lace cloth for the cover and it's all stitched together now. I posted a few of these images on Facebook before Christmas but didn't write the blog post...must have been peeling sprouts! Anyway, here it is and I can assure you it's well fondled.

Artist books are going to feature a lot here in 2020. Soft cloth books, sculptural paper books, investigative sample ledgers....I see 2020 clearly, I have plans. The year will begin with my new class which you can read about here and alongside that, privately, I will be sampling book forms in both paper and cloth. Snippets of those private sampling pieces will be shared here from time to time so please promise you will come back to see how I am progressing.