Alchemy 2023.
Begins Monday September 18 for 12 weeks. (built in 2 week break meaning 14 week timetable.)
The medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposed
transformation of matter, esp. that of base metals into gold.
***Please note....weeks 5 and 6 are free weeks. I will be away.
Because of this we have a timetable of 14 weeks, not 12.***
Aims and Content
Do you dream of creating that one special piece of embroidery, a
piece of textile art, or of finishing a long neglected project,
combining your ideas and developing them into that special piece of
cloth? If so then Alchemy is the programme for you.
During the course of this 12 week self directed learning package
you will produce a unique piece of embroidered art with inspiration,
technique, process and final outcomes determined by you, the
Your art piece can be created using virtually any media such as
cloth or paper. I will serve as mentor, guiding and advising you at
each stage.
Built into our twelve week timetable are regular visual critiques,
using images of work in progress that you upload to our online
forum and/or which you choose to bring to our live Zoom sessions.
Group Zoom appraisals are built into this programme.
Your presence at these is not compulsory. I would however ask you
to consider being involved in those get togethers as they provide
an invaluable experience, an opportunity to share ideas and learn
from your peers.
These sessions are always positive experiences with extremely
enthusiastic contributions from the group.
However, should you feel group Zoom sessions are not for you I
will endeavour to connect with you privately via Zoom or email.
Early aims.
Following initial investigations within a ledger concerning pattern,
shape and colour it is envisaged that you will sample ideas with
stitch as a means of identifying preferences regarding technique for
use in your final piece.
Presentation of initial investigations is discussed in this video. (copy and paste this link into your browser)
This process will be critique led with any practical demonstration
built into the 12 week programme as and when the need arises.
My Role
I will serve as mentor, guiding and advising you where appropriate,
perhaps suggesting artists for you to study where I feel this is
relevant to your own investigations. I will appraise your work in
progress and advise on surface design and colour choices. This is
not an exhaustive list, merely an indication of the commitment I will
provide to you and your chosen path.
Your personal connection to this project will be its driving force.
This process belongs to you, is self driven and all creative
investigations and final outcomes should speak of you. You have a
responsibility to also source information yourself and to familiarise
yourself with new creative technique that you may wish to use.
Please note......this course is not a ''how to'' process in terms
of embroidery technique. Demonstration will be provided as
and when required depending on the needs of the group and
the individuals within the group. The requirements regarding
the demonstration of specific process and technique will not
be known initially but will become evident as the course
Video will be hosted on a dedicated, password protected blog. It
will not be possible for video to be downloaded. All videos will have
to be viewed through the medium of the class blog. This is to
ensure my copyright is protected. I hope you understand the
importance of that particular aspect of this class.
To compliment the live Zoom sessions a dedicated flickr group will
be available where it is hoped you will post images allowing me to
assess your progress and appraise/advise.
Starting Points
Prior to the commencement of Alchemy begin to gather starting
points for your work. These items could take the form of
postcards, images from magazines, colour swatches from paint
charts or similar. Collect images relating to the work of other artists
who inspire you....textile art, sculpture, oil painting. This is a
''personal'' project, it centres around each individual, their aesthetic
and creative preferences. If you are struggling for starting points
then I will assist you, guide you. You are very well supported
throughout this process and I am available as little or as much as
you need me.
Expected Outcomes
It is anticipated that by the end of our 12 week run you will have a
greater appreciation of the design process which has led or will lead
to the completion of your finished piece. In addition it is hoped that
you will have created an informative reference in the form of a
working ledger alongside a collection of embroidered samples.
Your Ledger will document your progress throughout the course
and is a crucial element in the creation of your finished piece. A
record of your experience, the ledger may include sketches,
thoughts, diagrams, notes, photographs, artist/designer images
that inspire and influence you, computer generated imagery,
printed fabric, embroidered samples. This is not an exhaustive list,
you may add anything of your choosing to your ledger which
connects you to the work.
Upon registration you will receive further information in e mail form
containing a brief outline of our weekly plan along with a list of
suggested equipment for the course. Access to all resources is
permanent. There are no deadlines. I will remain available to you
after the conclusion of our 12 week period in an advisory, appraisal
You are also welcome to contact me for advice/questions prior to
the start of this course.
Please allow 24 hours from registration to receipt of welcome email.