I've been AWOL this week haven't I. Sorry about that.
You might have guessed the reason, babies.
I have been in London minding Stanley and in an effort to convert him we had a little trip to Liberty.
You can see he was impressed.
I will see my other little man on Monday and boy has Sonny grown in a week!!
Health and safety info.....I am not responsible for that cup of tea. I wasn't even there!!
And I only drink black coffee.
Now you are up to date with baby news, embroidery.
In truth I have done very little this week.
I intend to bury myself in embroidery over the weekend making things for my 'stash' tier girls in my new subscription group.
There will be variations of the following,
And now another plug for my new venture. Five pounds a month for stitching videos....what's not to love.
You can read more here