I picked this up again yesterday, an excuse to play with some paper I bought in London.
When I got home late on Saturday there was a birthday to celebrate.
Today is another opportunity for me to say happy birthday James!
There is so much love for you, from the people who surround you and who also delight in your new life as daddy to Sonny.
Besides birthdays and cake there has been some domestic catch up to see to and today that continues but I am almost there!
Back to the book....it's been present quite a bit recently and if you missed those posts you can see them here and here.
Three weeks from today my new class begins, 'a sampler's cloth'. You can read more about that here.
If you're busy in May you have nothing to worry about as you have access to the class forever once you sign up.
Take your time, leave it for winter.
Whenever you decide to start the stitching you also have access to me forever too.
and if you do sign up, a massive heartfelt thanks for supporting my little, tiny, teeny embroidery school. xxx