This is new work inspsired by past work.
The inspiration for this comes from doodles I created during the online class 'swathed in stitch'.
There is a screenshot from one of the class posts at the end of this post for reference.
I still have all those doodles. It definitely pays to never throw things away.
These drawn papers were inspired by domesticity hence the ironing board in the screenshot and also pockets, pockets to keep things safe, pockets for protection.
At the moment I am playing with the patterns I have whilst thinking about more pocket shapes.
Hopefully I can mix and match what is here with new shapes through overlaying on my light box and a little bit of doodling.
The pattern on this piece was hand drawn onto the silk. As yet I'm not sure if this one is finished. It might be nice to leave a bit of the pen visible.
Whilst I decide I have started another piece, more hand drawn pattern on silk, patchwork and hand embroidery.