In my post yesterday I spoke about starting a new project for myself, a new hand embroidered wrapping cloth.
This is how far I've got up to now.
These panels will be joined to more panels to create a cloth which measures approximately thirty six inches square.
As soon as I've finished here I am going to pin all those circles in place before deciding what to add to the white space on the other panel.
Please consider joining me for my new class, details below. I promise we'll have a ball.
renewing the ledger
The ledger/sketchbook/design exploration shown in these images was created sixteen years ago. A lot has happened in those sixteen years. For one I am more experienced, at least I like to think so, I would certainly hope so.
Recently, in Alchmey, I spoke about how my 'old' design work might look if I were to do it today. Vastly different is my guess.
The disaster that befell my white ledger a couple of weeks ago proves that even after a short period of time ideas develop, improve.
With that in mind, I am going to rework this ledger.
This work will remain 'untouched'. It's role will be to lay in front of me and prompt new ways of expressing these ideas.
At least that's the plan.
Technically the hard work is done. The design work is here, on each of these pages. All I have to do is interpret these designs using 'fresh eyes'.
Famous last words.
If you would like to join me the listing is copied below.
A new feature with this online learning programme will be regular video feedback on any images you upload to our private image sharing group.
This will not take the form of a 'critique', an Alchemy critique but will hopefully be so much more than a few written comments.
Renewing the Ledger.
Begins Monday February 8 for 12 weeks.
Suitable for the beginner and the more experienced creative.
Ledgers, sketchbooks, journals and design works have been integral to my creative life for almost twenty years.
Over time my knowledge and experience of creating these pieces has grown and developed.
During the course of this twelve week online learning programme I will look at past works and 'renew' them with fresh eyes, more experience and new process.
Without altering the actual physical historical ledger, I will use that ledger as a starting point for renewal, examining each page and recreating that work, refreshing those pages.
The basic design ideas presented in the original ledger will be preserved, my concern will focus on elevating that work with a new approach to documenting that information.
You do not need to have a completed sketchbook or ledger to participate in this class. Process demonstrated can be carried out using a collection of found images or a favourite illustrated book. I will provide guidance on those choices should you wish.
Techniques used and demonstrated in this online learning programme will include a selection of the following,
hand embroidery stitches,
paper manipulation,
paper embellishment,
pin pricking,
basic doodling.
There are no deadlines, no set tasks.
Video and images will be hosted on a private, password protected blog.
Access will be given to a private image sharing forum where discussion can be facilitated amongst group members and where I can view and appraise your works in progress.
Verbal, video feedback will be provided on works uploaded to our private image sharing group on a regular basis.
There are no compulsory requirements to my online learning programmes. If you prefer not to become involved in online discussion or image sharing that is O.K. My only wish for you is that you learn and have fun.
My online learning groups are a place of friendship amongst like minded people who share a love of cloth and thread.
Images here are details of the ledger I will be examining and renewing during this programme.