There are quite a few images today, images of past works. In this post I am hoping to illustrate my portfolio if only in a very condensed form. What you see here is a tiny selction of completed works be they embroidered pieces, embroidered samples, ledger pages, design exercises or surface design process.
As many of you will know I have been teaching hand embroidery for a long time. Mostly, almost exclusively that teaching and sharing of knowledge has been delivered through the vehicle of online learning classes of various durations with the occasional 'live' wokshop in London. It's how I earn my living and as far as I'm concerned it's the best, most perfect way to earn a living...doing what you love and sharing that process.
I am beginning to realise however that there is a shelf life to online classes, that they run their course and become less apppealing to people for whatever reason. Perhaps the market is saturated? Perhaps people are just too busy and goodness me I know all about that. So what to do?
I recently moved house and one bonus of that was gaining space for a dedicated studio in which to work. There may be mileage in that, in private one to one embroidery sessions which may take up the slack from the online classes. With that in mind I have listed that opportunity in my online shop here.
Also, maybe people can't commit to a full online class over several weeks. (I don't really worry about that though because one feature of my online classes is that you have them forever, there are no time limits, no date when it all disappears in a puff of smoke like other online classes) Having said that...I appreciate how commiting to a full run of several weeks can be intimidating. With that in mind I have listed private online tuition. Perhaps you just need to know how I made a specific button, how I put a little book together, how I approach the basics of a design ledger..anything.......again I have listed that option in my online shop here.
What to do going forward? I don't have an answer yet. I am loath to give up my online classes but can't force people to learn with me. I am not a 'printer', I can't print designs for people to stitch or churn out 'kits' hand work takes time, that's why I love it, it's a passion not instant gratification.
Maybe I need to take some time out and regroup......I will be thinking about all this over the coming weeks.
Thanks for hanging in with me up to this point. I have such affection for all of you.