Each day I fall a little bit more in love with this ledger. Each additional stitch, each additional scrap of pattern, I love how it's evolving. Working in this book over the past few days has helped with my angst too, the angst I have been speaking of in my last two posts, the angst concerning the viability of my continuing with online classes.
The latest page for this which isn't shown here, (I will post that some time this week), that latest, most recent work confirmed for me that this is who I am. I can't become someone else. I don't want to become someone else. I like being me. I love my classes. I have a bond, an affinity with each person who learns alongside me whether they only take one class or twenty classes. The thought of not having that, of not having this 'life' is not something I can contemplate.
Working on that as yet unseen page made me think...why am I doing this? who is it for? and the answer? I was doing it for me of course but also I was doing it to fire ideas, create inspiration, ideas and inspiration to share with the girls in Ledger class. And they are inspired, they tell me they are inspired.
There has been feedback to my last little period of angst too, all of it positive, most of it asking me not to stop. Thank you for that. I honestly didn't post those thoughts for an ego boost. (and I haven't had an ego boost anyway, my angst ran too deep for that) I posted them because I felt I had to, to allow me a forum for thinking, deciding.
I'm not a quitter. I feel I have something to offer the world of embroidery and creativity so I'm going to pull my socks up and crack on.