There was more 'appraisal' happening here this morning, namely how much work is still needed on my embroidered cloth book and my little collection of handmade sketchbooks. This appraisal wasn't as scary as the one I did yesterday, I've made much more progres with these.
The longer piece on the left hand side is the cover for my embroidered cloth book. The cover is finished, lined, edged but I can't finish the actual book yet as it needs more pages and I'm waiting for silk. The lower piece is a cover for a little four inch square sketchbook. That piece still needs to be lined and the green ribbon which appears in the next images will be used as a wrap on that one, a closure.
The finished artist book top right is one I made around two years ago. It has inspired and informed what comes next. I feel so lucky to have such a wealth of resources which I have created myself. It definitely pays to create and keep, that way inspiration is always to hand.