A spare hour in the evening when you are between damp stretching something and bedtime.....titivate a needle case. You saw this here and I haven't touched it since but in my spare hour last night I added a little more. I could have worked on my cloth book but it was too late to contemplate getting the ironing board out to measure and pin so needle case it was. It now has more pretty bias tape, a grandmothers flower garden patchwork motif and a little cross stitch with added sequins. In truth this could be finished quite quickly but for now I will leave it as something to pick up when I can't move forward with current, pressing pieces.
If you are registered for Embroidery School 2018 you should have received and email from me yesterday. If you didn't receive that can you please let me know.
If you are coming to London 2018 you should also have received an email from me yesterday. Again, if you didn't receive that can you please let me know.