Monday here was spent making videos for ''hankie class''. I was surrounded by hankies, edges of cloth, seams embroidered with beads and sequins, layers of lace and vintage trims using previously stitched pieces for reference, inspiration and demonstration. Everything you see here with the exception of the blue edged needle case in the second image will become a bag, a bag created with hankies, lace and vintage trims. These pieces were embroidered before class, with class in mind....a head start for me. I realised yesterday how good a plan that was as these served as a perfect illustration of what I hope to achieve aesthetically with the bag we are making together in class, at least I hope class thinks so when they watch the videos tomorrow.
A reminder....the artist book class last for a whole year, twelve months. There is plenty of time to view what has happened up to now and participate fully both now and going forward. (I was asked to clarify this yesterday) Access to everything which has been posted up to this point is included regardless of when you sign up and most importantly access is forever, no cut off date. I hope that helps. You can read more here.