Embroidery on lace cloth...lace cloth which was made for my workshop in France last year which is ''spare''. It hardly seems like over a year ago. Picking this cloth up again and adding a few more stitches took me back, happy memories.
This piece and the other pieces left from that workshop probably won't ever become ''anything''. They will be part of my stash though and we all know how useful a stash is don't we. Some may be snipped off for artists books, some may be used to lay behind open areas for cutwork, this could even be used to cover buttons or padded to make puffs, it could be rolled into toggles or even stitched over with more snippets of lace.
What you get when you make lace cloth is a unique surface, a yardage of fabric which is unique to you. You can then treat it like any other yardage of fabric, the difference being nobody else will ever have any exactly the same.