Yesterday afternoon I had a hankering to put another cloth book together similar to this one which will hold embroidered samples. The first picture shows embroidery so's all white, put together with white cloth and embroidered with white French knots, bullion loops, buttonhole stitch and cross stitch hearts. I'm not saying there won't be colour appearing on the surface at some point but for the moment I am sticking with white.
In the second image laid under my latest cloth book is a glimpse of my first ''goodie bag'' for the London 2018 workshop. It has a pocket label although it is in fact a cloth book too. The label references the inside pockets which I can't show you until after the workshop. That's the first one finished.....I best get cracking with the rest.
I am going away now, my bags are packed. I will be posting to Instagram whilst I am gone if you want to see what I am up to.
I will be back on Wednesday.
Miss you already.