Hankies, lace, hooks and eyes, (just the hooks actually) Hankie class homework from teacher........more layers of lace, more embroidery and a few little pieces of metal securing tiny button loops. You may also have noticed there are a lot of sequins here.....you can never have too many sequins.
I've been back a couple of days. I am still playing catch up. I still haven't unpacked my suitcase.
It's time now to make plans for embroidery, what comes next, hankie class, artist books, more embroidery on layers, more piecing.
The shop is open again which means sign up is open for our 12 month artist book adventure. There are a couple of ''work on your own'' classes in there too. (don't tell anyone but ''embroidery school'' is my favourite.)
I'm hopping that by tomorrow things will be on a more even keel. At the very least I hope to have my suitcase unpacked.
Hankie class girls......stand by your computer because class will be ready very soon.