I was playing with my artist book yesterday afternoon, fiddling with a button to be more exact, trying to decide where I wanted to put it. I got there in the end. Once I'd started I decided to play with another page and had to control myself to stop this taking over the whole day.
You have seen the sample on the left side before. On the facing page is a little folded lace, draped lace.
Thanks for the suggestions yesterday for blog titles after I had posted this
Do you know how hard it is to think of a title for a blog post every day? No? Just me then? ''two more'' was the best I could come up with today. It could have been ''embroidered scraps'', ''more samples for artist books'' and on and on but we've been there, done that, got several t shirts. Anyway I just had to get that off my chest, the daily angst which is ''thinking up a title for the blog post''.
....you are so funny.
I've chosen one to share with you today (not in the title, I didn't want anyone to think I'd completely lost it) This one is appropriate every day.
''she looked in the mirror and said...you again?''