I am having so much fun in embroidery school. This work is so far removed from how my usual 'wrapping cloths' look. Same techniques, different approach and different patterning. I'm a little bit in love. (I know I say it all the time....but I'm just a big soft, sensitive wuss) There is applique, padded applique, lots of trailing gimp, more bullion knots than I can count and little pockets are beginning to appear. Alongside this I'm playing with a complimentary ''sample portfolio'', class are following along being very well behaved and I shall soon be running out of Gold stars.
(If you want to join in you can read more here)
Next up for me in class is a new panel, a little playing with new ideas and more machine stitched paper for samples and titivation's....
I am happy to have my embroidery, my class and my blog. It keeps me calm, it keeps me from getting very stressed. The messaging section of my facebook account was hacked yesterday. I am desperately trying to fix it but it's not easy. Facebook help section? worse than useless. If you get a message from me over there do not click on the video link inside the message. Please do look at the message though (which you can do without clicking on the video link) because I need you to report it as spam. After you have reported it as spam you can then block that account from sending you messages using the small circular icon top right in the message pop up window. Hopefully it will all be sorted out soon. I do apologise even though I have been told it isn't my fault. Regardless....I feel responsible.