I know.....it's not a silk drawstring bag like I promised you yesterday. Sorry about that. I didn't get the bag damp stretched...oops, I'm slacking.
Instead I give you a glimpse of the things crowding my head today, (and for the last million days or so it seems) What exactly do I love the most when mixed with paper? The answer is here, white fabric, white stitch, metallic silk tissue, lace, gimp and glass beads. Now all I need to do is develop my paper experiments with those little things in mind and hey presto we should have lift off. Somehow I doubt it will be that simple. It is however a good starting point.
Do you ever feel as if you want to get rid of everything, I mean samples, finished pieces, old ideas? To get rid of it all and start again, clean slate, an empty mind, no plans, no goals. Kind of be reborn into your love of cloth and embroidery and have no idea how you will express yourself creatively? Just me then? I don't know why but I have felt like that for a couple of days now......I am putting it down to a ''creative meltdown''....please tell me I am not the only one.