No, your eyes do not deceive's an ironing board. The implement of torture which is the ironing board features a lot in my life (yours too I'm guessing) consequently it features in my doodles too, in my embroidery, in my thought process. Domesticity, or more precisely my own domesticity has been a starting point for me creatively for some time now. The other piece here is a domestic cloth, a kitchen towel.....and of course, there is a Grandmothers Flower garden patchwork motif. Grandmother, home, domesticity, cloth......all create memories for me, are massively important to me.
These paper pieces are part of what I hope will be a bigger series, a collection.
Don't forget...''Reinventing the page'' is making another appearance for those of you who missed it first time round.
OK...I'm off. I'm going here to see these......I need to put on my dancing shoes.