Hankie corners on a page, a ledger which will be dedicated to the handkerchief as mentioned yesterday. The more I think about what to do with the pieces shown yesterday the more I want a hankie ledger, a beautiful resource for reference, for inspiration. Tempted as I am to create another hankie cloth at some point, now isn't the time.
The little cups from here are now buttons. Last night I made a few little puffs, fabric beads to sit alongside those. I am on a bit of a mission to create quite a few buttons and beads , making one or two in a spare half hour. Let's see how much that particular collection can grow in the coming weeks.
Finally....the kitchen wall is finished, done, dusted.....phew.......
(It's not yet decorated. That must wait until after Christmas to allow for drying out. That's OK. I can live with that, it's just amazing to get my house back)