I got distracted by some graph paper I saw online. What can I say, it's a curse. It's an excuse for another finger limbering up ten minutes though in the tiny 4 x 3 inch ledger. Print graph paper, stick it in a book, get some lettering stencils, a black fine liner, a needle and thread and a fabric label and the world is your oyster!!
(the world is your oyster
if the world is your oyster, you have the ability and the freedom to do anything or go anywhere)
I got the graph paper here.
In other news.......This time next week I'm off to a party which will last for six days.....Glastonbury. (I will be on my best behaviour I promise) The shop will be shut next Monday. If you haven't been there for a while there are a lot of work on your own classes available now and the current class ''embroidered pockets.....'' is still listed. We are only four weeks into that and will be taking a two week break from this weekend. There will be eight weeks to run when I get back into school mode on my return. If you want something to do whilst you bask in the sun this summer go here and take a look, see if I can tempt you.