This is the piece I didn't want to show you yesterday, the one I spoke of in the video. I also doodled a seam to accompany the stitch. That doodle has been added to an ongoing doodle sheet. I like that idea, I can add to the sheet as and when I get the urge and it will be full of pattern in no time. The seams are finished on this piece. Three seams, French knots, bullion knots and cross stitch. There has been a tiny amount of applique added to the pattern too.
The doodle to accompany this embroidery is merely dots, multi coloured dots to reflect the knots and the cross stitch. It works, it reminds me of confetti.
My brain freeze has thawed.....phew. This morning has been amazing, making videos for the new class. I have taken a couple of pictures of the table from then, nothing secret in them, no spoilers for class but nevertheless they remind me of my busy morning and a morning well spent. I will show you those tomorrow.