Wow......I'm a year older.....allegedly. I feel younger, must be the cake. Thanks so much for all the birthday wishes. I had a lovely day, great gifts, spoilt in fact. I got a new camera, very unexpected. I'm still feeling my way with that as evidenced by the second image today but then again, white is quite hard to photograph so maybe it's not the camera. (the first image was taken with the new camera too, same time, same place)
I still have house guests.....well just my daughter but she is the equivalent of five house guests...a whirlwind of discarded clothing and half drunk glasses of water from one end of the house to the other....but....I am not complaining. I will miss her when she goes back to London tomorrow. There hasn't been much stitching going on so what I'm doing here, on this video, apart from waffling about not very much is putting a small piece of white together and talking about the progression of an old, neglected piece. One of these pieces will have had some embroidery added before I go to bed tonight, I am determined.