A new piece was started last night which means I now have several pieces at various stages of completion. Mostly I'm playing, sampling. I do have a direction but I'm trying to solidify that, clarify my thoughts, gain a more concrete idea of what I want and where I should be going if that makes sense. I suppose the white silk piece doesn't fit within that thought process as it is pretty much set in stone how that will evolve but the other pieces, the Broderie Anglaise pieces with the brightly coloured, printed cloth are throwing up a lot of questions for me in terms of how to extend the idea, how to marry the different surfaces...questions, questions....
I'm not in any rush, I like searching for answers when it means more stitch, more piecing of cloth, more pinning and tacking. That usually calls for something repetitive too...I have a feeling the edge with the partial fringe will be finished soon, what better way to get lost in thought than adding fringe to white....