This is what has been happening in ''reinventing the page''. We have only been active for a When I see these together like this It makes me feel exhausted, goodness knows how the group feels. I'm not a hard task master, I'm a pussy cat really. I have been cramming the first two weeks because I go away on Wednesday. There will be a mini break after tomorrow , huge sigh of relief for the group then I'm sure.
Technically we are two weeks in, video wise,instruction wise, demonstration wise with another two weeks to play when I get back. So, if you think you might want to join in it's not too late, plus you have access to the videos forever so you can have a six month break between posts if you like. You can read more here. Bear in mind that I will be closing the shop late Tuesday night until I get back.
Talking about going away...I'm not abandoning you. I have been very busy the past couple of days preparing videos, one for each day I am gone. You don't get rid of me that easily! I will still be here tomorrow though, normal posts continue for that.