Top right hand quarter, three more areas of padded applique or if you prefer 'bump buts'. That's my paltry effort from last nights stitching. I'm happy with the embroidery, unhappy with the quantity. Never mind, today is another day, tonight is another night....
You might notice that there is a little bit of bleeding happening with the pen. That happened as I was doodling not when I was damp stretching. It hasn't happened before with those pens on cloth so I'm thinking it could be because this is silk. What do you think? I don't think it spoils the piece, it just has an overall 'relaxed' air to it, a cheery feel to it.
I've also been thinking about the best way to get these to London without overly creasing them, this one and these....two of them are works in progress, one a finished, unmounted piece. I am leaning towards the ''pin to sturdy calico and roll gently'' option.