White....sigh. I may veer off on a tangent at times and surround myself with colour but I always love to come back to white. This piece was put together on camera as a kind of homework for the London group. I thought I best get a wiggle on and add a little stitch because we don't want me to be the only one turning up without any embroidery. I'm not sure if I will take it any further before London but at least I won't be put to shame by turning up with nothing at all. Tiny scalloped stitches have been used to exhaustion up to now, around three sides of the tiny, central white pocket and on the opposite edge to a row of bullion loops. I do love to embroider those scallops......
Thanks for the encouragement regarding yesterdays piece. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate it. I just don't love it as much as I would have liked. I have put it away now. I'm not going to do anything else to it. It will come to London with me to illustrate exactly how capable I am of making mistakes. From now until then it will be a distant memory.
You will be pleased to hear that the buttons got made yesterday. They are now attached to the pocket top, this one, and that piece will hopefully get finished tonight. Its edges will be titivated and it should be ready to make its debut tomorrow.