I've been sampling this morning, moving ideas along for Swathed in Stitch. It's not work, it's like the best playtime ever! There is work on paper to finish and mount but the most exciting bit starts later today, actually stitching something on silk. I have a plan, the girls will see it first but I am itching to get going. I'm also going to make more lace for the new piece , lace like you saw yesterday.
Remember this cloth I had printed? I've been cutting that up this morning. I am trying, (trying hard honest) to get some kind of stuff happening for London. I will need to order more of the doodle cloth, order silk scrim, order silk muslin, create little pouches for my ''little bags of cloth''. I want to finish the hankie cloth, finish the body bag....I feel a list coming on.
(there is a short video in the post embedded in the body bag link)