I'm back, home, returned, lurking, recovering, tired, jet lagged.....well maybe not jet lagged it's only a one hour time difference but I'm certainly ''laggged'' for whatever reason. I also have a cold, a sore, tight chest, a bunged up nose, watery eyes. Apart from that everything is amazing!! Seriously though, I'm good, very good. Very happy to be home because no matter how much fun you have on holiday it's always good to be home.
I have a lot of stuff to tell you today, class related, but first my holiday. I bought NOTHING fabric related, really. I didn't see anything I wanted and do you know why I think that is? I think I am spoilt by London. I visit London regularly as you know because my daughter lives there. London has Liberty and the best vintage shops. That is honestly why I think I wasn't inspired to buy any fabric in Sweden, not even a scrap of lace...overpriced. I already have more Marimekko fabric than is healthy so I resisted that too. I did buy myself a very pretty children's book, in Swedish, with lovely illustrations and type fonts which I will use as a ledger at some point. I am happy with that. I bought a couple of Christmas gifts and some Swedish chocolate, Swedish crisps (chips) all for gifts and also some Swedish sausage that my son loves and which if I had returned without would never have forgiven me for forgetting.
We had good company, beautiful scenery, lots of cake, excellent coffee and some long, late night chats catching up with my brother. It was quiet, relaxed....perfect. There are pictures on my Instagram, take a look.
Now classes......first of all I am sorry. I said in my shop that the classes would be available on Monday. I didn't get round to it. I am still very much playing catch up. That is remedied now, all classes are now available, here.
I am sorry to say that from December 31 this year I will no longer be able to sell ''work on your own'' classes to anyone in Europe. Those classes that are not live. This is due to new tax rules which are being introduced by the EU (don't get me started on the EU!!) This is your last chance to buy those if you are resident in Europe. They can be found here and here. My new class, ''swathed in stitch'' is open again for registration.....here. The new rules will not affect 'live'' classes due to tutor input and support. Take it from me, in my classes it's more like the tutor stalking you!!
In the new Year ''work on your own classes'' will be available to anyone outside the EU. It will require a different purchasing format, I am thinking along the lines of requiring an e mail request for sign up and then I send you an invoice. We shall see, I will work something out.
Finally, today's image. It's old. I'm (jet) lagged, I hope you don't mind. I have a finished pillow to show you, hopefully tomorrow. I am so happy to see you all xxx