Five buttons created to titivate a pillow, this pillow, this unfinished pillow. I have plans, this will be finished quicker than you think. It won't be rushed, don't think that, it's just that I will have more time to devote to this soon. There may also be puffs, I haven't decided yet.
I do have a growing obsession with these things that have wiggly stems so you should probably prepare to see more of those.
I'm still having trouble with this related posts thingy at the bottom of every post. Some days you get them, some days you don't. Sometimes you get the same one ten days in a appears to be poorly. Never fear, I have a few linked posts in the top right hand sidebar if you need something else to read.
I have been asked to ask you if anyone coming from the USA to my London class is travelling alone? If you are could you please let me know as someone may want your company. Also, can any of you recommend a hotel in London for someone who is travelling. I am loathe to do this as it would be hearsay from me as I always stay with my daughter. I have stayed in Chelsea before in a posh hotel a few times but always with a ''deal'' which made it cheaper.