In my defence......I can resist anything but temptation. I had decided to leave these handkerchief stitchery doodles until we started Simply Stitch 5 next Monday. But......I had to, I couldn't resist and I can justify it. I need to be ahead. I need a head start. Everyone else in the group would race off, finishing their hanky cloths and leave me behind without me developing my little collection in advance and we can't have that can we.
I feel so much better for justifying myself. I actually gave a sigh of relief then.
Tomorrow it's blue and white. That is ongoing. The page from earlier this week is finished. I want to start another one but I'm dithering over ideas, composition, placement, doodling. No change there then.
(if you are registered for Simply Stitch 5 you should have received an e mail from me yesterday. If you didn't receive that mail please let me know)