Thank goodness for ledgers.....the past week has been a write off embroidery wise for various reasons. I feel as if I have achieved zero. These are the images from my phone taken since last weekend, note the lack of embroidery. Ledgers ? There are quite a few of those however. That's because yesterday afternoon I decided to reignite my creativity, or at least try to and turning ledger pages generally works for that.
It also proved to be a good exercise pre simply stitch 5. It has given me a few ideas for that. If an athlete runs 10K to prepare for his next task, I turn equivalent of a 10K run.
This weekend I am hoping to make stitchery progress whilst watching this and wishing I was back at Glastonbury....
Just a quick word about flowers. It has been mentioned that I always have fresh flowers. I do, or at least I mostly do. Thing is, when we go and do our Friday ''big shop'' at the supermarket my husband likes to fill the trolley with beer. (for him, I don't drink alcohol, not for moral or religious reasons but because I can't be trusted under the influence of even the tiniest glass of wine!!) So he gets beer, I get flowers.....his treat, my treat.