I bought this little book last year in Sweden. ''Astrid'' by Maria Jonnson is proving to be a charming base for ledger work. I have written about Astrid before, images from those posts are at the foot of today's blog in mosaic form.
I decided that Astrid needed some bling, some sparkle in her life. Last night I added a little semi circle of paper, red and white straight stitch, red and white French knots and a few sparkly glass cube beads. It extends the page lying to the right, more red and white with silk, French knots and thread wrapping.
I really must get a new keyboard. The ''W'' key works only when it feels like it and ''R'' and ''T'' have gone AWOL. I spend my days proof reading....but I do have little bag of these today....comfort eating.
(If you want to watch pages like this evolve, learn how to embellish little books, big books, stitch in ledgers, titivate cloth then Simply Stitch 5 is where you need to be.)