Images from my phone, some are from this morning the rest from the past week. My dining table is becoming an internet sensation, it's ever present. Anything and everything that is worth doing takes place on this table.
We eat on it every evening. I paint on it. I stitch on it. I make videos on it. I take photographs on it. I fold my ironing in neat little piles and put them on it. I cut cloth on it. I leave things lying on it for days on end, they just get pushed out of the way when the food arrives. One pile, at the back, has been there for months. (fourth image, upper left corner) It's a pile of scraps, lace and paper in fact I am certain there are things in that particular pile which I need but think are lost. Perhaps my job this afternoon should be to sort out that pile and see what treasures are lost within it.
I'm expecting a man, a nice man. (at least I am hoping he is nice) He is going to fix my internet. I can access the internet, I can do everything except upload videos. The world will be a much quieter place until that is remedied.