I spent a couple of hours yesterday piecing scraps together for this, so that I can move a little closer to finishing it. I cross stitched some cotton cloth and when that was damp stretched I cut it up for tabs, applique...titivation's. It's all about cohesion, that's how the cloth was put together initially, I'm trying to keep that process going, new pieces matching with those that were made quite a while ago. The magazine is out because I like to re read...to remind myself why I do this. It's not that I forget or that I am not aware of why I do this 24/7, my motivation is ever present. It's just good sometimes to see it in black and white, it kind of gives me ''clarity''.
This article is from 2011. You can read it here on my old blog. In fact there is a lot of reading on my old blog so perhaps you could have a wander around over there sometime. I do, I have almost a whole life of creativity over there.