More applique circles and prairie points have been added to this along with some pointy things which evolved, blew into the mix as if by magic. I was just folding cloth, minding my own business and they appeared....they stayed. I may make more of those, I kind of like them.
The gingham, pointy piece is laid on an old piece of work, titivated white silk. That's only there to hide the table. It's nice to see it again though, it normally lives in a glass cabinet, neatly folded, well protected.
There is a piece of white with red spots going on too. It isn't in these pictures, it's on the couch as we speak ready for a little more titivation in order to make an entrance tomorrow. And then there is something else going on for Simply Stitch Four. That starts on Monday....last chance saloon to sign up if you're pondering. Also on Monday.....the builders are coming. They will make a mess. I already don't like them. I have precious things in plastic boxes, stacked high. Ruane towers is in complete disarray.