My ''to do'' list this Monday is humongous, yes that big. The most important, pressing items are Simply Stitch related...number three finishes this week, number four fast approaching. Then there are the distractions of little ledgers, wrapping cross stitched silk around piping cord and placing it on a titivated page. I can't disregard the distractions, firstly because I have no self control but also because of my default defence ....they inform. The future depends on the distractions, the ideas that come from them. I'm not saying that one day you will turn up here and see a piping cord and cross stitched silk installation piece, no, I'm saying that one day you might arrive and find a passable piped edge the idea of which may have passed me by without this particular distraction taking place.
The next distraction will be painted with watercolours. I can see it already, it nags, it niggles, it can't be ignored.