Happy Wednesday everyone. I said I would and I am. Show you the lemon work close up I mean. Here it is. One of these pieces is new, the prominent piece with the plain background. Laid next to the other pouch pieces it appears to fit, to be at home. A hand bound buttonhole has also found its way into these pictures and that will form part of the surface of this pouch too. I feel as if i've never been away. One week on and I've slipped back into my usual inane rambling easily, without as much as a stutter. It's all pouches, embroidery, buttonholes, cloth.....
This time last week it was so very different. It wasn't pouches, embroidery, buttonholes and cloth It was turkey and rich food, gravy and tasty morsels. Today? Nothing at all of any excitement taste wise is to be found in this house. The memory of last week has me longing for last weeks food. Today, for lunch, I had a slice of chicken that was drier than a desert dwellers flip flop.....the cupboards are bare. I say sack the housekeeper, (yes that's me. I live in hope). Or, an even better idea, if you are planning a turkey dinner anytime today please invite me, save me a seat.