Is this picture way too weird? I took this earlier .....this is how my house looks when I am piecing cloth. It's obviously a ''bad'' image, something drastic went wrong but in a strange kind of way I like it.....
Two of my favourite things....embroidery and flowers. I could pretend this was an exercise in composition. It wasn't. It was an ''oh my goodness what AM I going to put on my blog today'' exercise.....which resulted in a composition exercise. Actually, now I have done this it has value. I'm thinking this would be a good ''still life'' to doodle from. What do you think?
I like these images yet I don't like these images. Make your mind up woman!!! I Know, I know.....they are just slightly ''twee'' for my taste. I don't normally do twee, at least I hope I don't. Not that there's anything wrong with just isn't ''me'', doesn't speak of who I am.
I bet you're glad you came today aren't you.......not! What a confused, rambling, useless post....sorry!!
Something that is sweet, almost to the point of being sickeningly so. As a derogatory descriptive, it means something that is affectedly dainty or quaint, or is way too sentimental.
SS3...the first videos are up!!!
There is a direct link to the class blog for members on the online learning links page above.
Doodle doo is back......I suspect you will be seeing a lot of this over the next few weeks. Lots of paper, lots of metallic silk, lots of doodle doo. I will be working with this during the early stages of Simply Stitch Three. To those of you who are waiting patiently for tomorrow this is little teaser....a very small glimpse of what is going to be happening....... literally can't wait, I can't!
Later today I am off ''up North'' delivering USA related things. It has to be done. I don't know if there will be cake and to answer a wedding question...yes there was cake..too much. Yes too much cake, a whole table of choice. I couldn't decide and to be fair I had eaten enough already. My favourite, favourite thing of the whole meal was the ''crab and shrimp fondue''.....there are no words. I want some now!!!
I have to apologise again too.....I have managed to reply to some of the mails and comments but not all. I will definitely do it over the weekend, I specifically sorry to Sharon, Mary Anne, Susan, Cherie, Barbara, Rachel, Alex, Amanda, Jan, Liza, Annet, Janice, Joanna, Gerd, Tammie, Judy, Jillayne, Sara, Kirsty, Emmy, Dianne, Barb and Nadine. Oh my goodness....I'm horrible aren't I. I do try to be good.....and I really hope I haven't missed anyone out?????
(I am hoping that if I missed you out you have heard from me
mish-mash definition. [ˈmɪʃmæʃ] and [ˈmɪʃmɑʃ] and mish-mosh. n. a mixture; a disorderly conglomeration.
A mix of images morning in photographs. I washed the lace and silk I bought in New York. Why? Actually I don't really know, I just wanted to. It wasn't dirty, didn't's a mystery but I'm pleased I did because it makes for a lovely photograph.
The other images are of my table, busy me, getting ready for Friday.
(if you are registered for Simply Stitch 3 you should have received an e mail from me today containing links, videos, information. If you didn't then let me know....please. Check your junk first, your spam.)
In other news....I slept last night!!! Result!!! Long may it continue. I also tried getting my wedding/holiday images from my phone onto my computer......don't ask......fog brain....technologically challenged....failed miserably.....I will try again.....soon.....if my returned sleep continues....honest.
Where do I start today? I'm not even completely sure what day it is anyway, I'm doubting my own name too. I feel so strange, in limbo....don't assume it's a complaint, it's an explanation. An explanation of my inability to function normally at the moment, but I will try, I will do my best. Firstly.....I posted to the blog this morning from my phone. I then deleted it because it was a rubbish picture so if you are looking for it I apologise. Secondly.....I am nowhere near sorting out the wedding pictures. Again I apologise.....more waiting for you. Thirdly.....and I really, really am sorry about this......I haven't been near flickr. I haven't looked to see the amazing things you have been doing whilst I was gone. I know....I'm a disgrace.
Today though, and yesterday evening I was kind of with it, functioning in the creative sense at least. Paper........ paper, cloth, a body of work and cohesion. I hope that what I have added to the paper piece since you last saw it helps to create the beginnings of a cohesive collection of work when placed alongside the embroidery. Does it? I sure hope it does......
Wow....embroidery. This silk piece was started before I went away and has been given a little attention since I got back. It's inspired, informed by the piece of paperwork which is still in progress.
My trip? Wonderful. I had the most fantastic holiday. The wedding was beautiful. The days in Las Vegas, Los Angeles and New York were amazing. There is so much to say, so much for me to recall, to think about, to remember. I may need to write it all down. Most of my pictures are on my Instagram but over the next couple of days I am going to try and post about it all here, bear with me.
I have so many mails to answer too, again, bear with me. The house is upside down. Spotless towers is beautifully clean.....but disgracefully untidy. Add to that my jet lagged induced insomnia and nocturnal facebook activity....(it's quite exciting over there in the middle of the night).... things are slow getting back to normal. Last night I went to sleep at around 5 am. I tried to sleep from midnight until 2 am and gave up, came downstairs, stalked facebook and instragram for a while and finally said hello to rest at around 5....consequently I didn't wake until 11 today. Tonight I will stay up until 1....and then order myself to sleep. Hopefully the body clock will reset soon.
A couple of mass messages now.....Simply Stitch 2 are you??? I missed you. I haven't looked at flickr yet....I'm scared.....I will be there for days....
Last but definitely not least....if you have signed up for Simply Stitch 3 then expect some information, a video and e mail ramblings either tomorrow or Wednesday. Are you as excited as me?!!
Hi everyone!! I just wanted to say a quick hello......I am home, there really is no place like home. I am missing a suitcase......trying not to cry....simply stitch three is now listed again......
At Heathrow airport waiting for a connecting flight. Will be happy to get home after an amazing holiday. This picture is cloth related, it's flags!! NYC what a place.