Hello from spotless towers....I told you I would clean up didn't I? To be fair I haven't done ''everything''. There are still cushion covers to wash, curtains to change and a bed to transform with new linen but it is definitely cleaner here than it was this time yesterday. I also give you proof that I was distracted from paper by hexagons....another panel for the body bag. I provided my own background too, a little artwork from way, way back that I think you have seen before but then you have seen my table many times too so at least this makes a change.
Technological issues abound today....boo!! I can't get my feeds to work...again, and I'm also not receiving notifications when I get comments and such so if you need me, if you want me, if you mailed me and I am not responding that would be because I am oblivious. Please persevere.......pretty please.