After the excitement of securing Glastonbury tickets yesterday and the stress of working a crucial part of THE bridal bag I decided last night called for some quiet stitching. some relaxing, no pressure embroidery. So I now have another tab for the body bag almost finished, a bright tab, a colourful tab that will find itself, eventually, securing a panel of pleated muslin.
I have been giving some thought to the body bag this morning actually, whilst taking these photos. I am wondering if I should have some panels that are purely ''lace cloth''? I will ponder and perhaps run it past my girls......but I'm thinking....why not? Watch this space.
I am also working on little pieces of paper, adding cloth to them, stitching on them. I hope to gather quite a lot of these for a bigger project....another idea....I have so many. Too many? Maybe but that's better than none and did I mention that I am such a domestic goddess that I made chutney yesterday? I didn't? Well......I made tomato chutney yesterday......
( I don't like all...BUT you cannot buy nice chutney here so if I want nice chutney I have to suffer and spend some time in the torture chamber....sorry, kitchen)