Pleating and embroidery is ongoing, it will be for some time yet. My sampler cloth has evolved and continues to alter course. It is now going to be a human size pocket, pouch....or body bag as it is becoming fondly known in the simply stitch group. I say human size....don't forget that humans come in many sizes....we shall see later in the process the size of human that will be required to go be ''bagged''.
There are some hexagons going on out of sight. They are for something special. I will say more about that when I am further along the process and can put images on here. It won't be a secret once I do put it on was a special request from my little girl. She was her idea....
In other news....I am in class mode...thoughts, ideas, plans. I am a little undecided about what will come next. I have a few ideas and am considering requests.....I am being asked for various things. Can I run ''Lace'' again? Can I run ''Ledgers'' again. Will I continue with ''Simply Stitch''? At the moment my thought process is evolving something like this....
1. simply stitch.....a programme that follows my ''day'', my process.
2. Lace.....something I make regularly to use in my ''everyday'' pieces.
3. Ledgers......a process I use to record my everyday creativity.
4. Everything I do is wrapped up with my creativity, ledgers crosses with simply stitch as does lace....
5. Another simply stitch in a new form? Longer? 12 weeks? combine EVERYTHING, Stitch, ledgers, lace.....a discount for those who have already taken a lace and ledgers class?