This is how I have been spending my evenings this week. I am adding loops to the wedding bag for Helen, loops which will hold the covered cords that will draw her bag closed. Making this bag has been ''testing''' in many ways. I have never made anything like this before and the construction, the ''how'', the ''what goes where'' in terms of seams and lining appears to me to be more complicated than it should. By that I mean I have a hard time getting my head round it all. My brain doesn't want to compute things like construction, measurements, pattern related information. I can embellish cloth until the cows come home but set me a project that requires more than minimal construction and I'm challenged to say the least. It's a good thing I don't know when I am beaten.
I have ''dogged determination'', I will stare this bag down. I will persevere. It is after all an inanimate object. It is pliable. It will bend to my will. It had better.
If you describe someone's actions as dogged, you mean that they are determined to continue with something even if it becomes difficult or dangerous.