This is what I was so excited about yesterday. Three pieces of lace cloth that I made on Monday. They are quite small, the stitched area is approximately 5 x 7 inches but I was very pleased I got them done. Two of these are made with lace and metallic silk tissue, the other with some scraps of silk velvet and some deep gold coloured, (kind of) lace...I think that colour scheme suits one of the recipients better. They are I now have one piece to send to Veronica and these three to post. I best get some envelopes bought.
Today I got up late....I really hope the childless situation doesn't turn me into some kind of idle wastrel....
I need to be on the ball's cabinet shopping day. I'm not going until late afternoon but can I really justify treating myself if I can't even get my backside out of bed in a morning?
I've also got my eye on this.....light and fresh for lounge curtains????? What do you think??? On the plus side it's cheap.....