The ironing board was out yesterday...not for pleasurable things sadly but as it was there I turned it into a thing of joy as opposed to an instrument of torture and pieced some cloth. Why not? May aswell. This big piece, and it is big, will be divided up and turned into pin pillows. So many people want pin there a world shortage that I don't know about? I'm not giving a time scale, couldn't possibly. Don't hold your breath is all I will say it is very busy in Ruane towers at the moment.
There is so much I want to do. I am so excited about so many things. I am also craving some ''head'' time. You know what I mean, a few hours to gain some clarity, to think a few things through. That won't be possible today but maybe tomorrow.
On Saturday afternoon I am going up North to a party!! and yes, there will be cake. It's kind of like a tea the afternoon, in a garden, most likely in the rain. My Brother and his family from Sweden are visiting my mum so a big family gathering is in order. Bonus is that it isn't at my house so I don't have responsibility for cleaning up.....phew. I am visiting said brother, in Sweden, in June. No need to go now I hear you cry, you will have seen him.Well yes but who said I was going to Sweden to see him? I am going to Sweden to see Sweden!